Snapshot of the day: The Puppet Master

Snapshot of the day: The Puppet Master

Fuji X-E1, 18mm f2, s 1/500, f2.0, ISO 1600

I spotted this booth and was struck by the owner’s aura, he fit perfectly, no doubt this was his world.
Shot with the Fuji X-E1 and the Fujinon 18mm f2.0.

4 thoughts on “Snapshot of the day: The Puppet Master

  1. mike.kobal Post author

    not real loud, definitely better then on a DSLR, not clunky at all, however, when you get real close, you will hear it – unlike the shutter in the X100s

  2. Hendrik

    Mm… sure, though with 23 mm you do *have* to be real close. Plus the X-E1 w/ 35mm offers an extra stop. Would you say the shutter sound of the X-E1 is on DSLR terrain or real clunky loud?

  3. mike.kobal Post author

    Hi Hendrik, the main advantage of the X100s for street shooting is the virtually silent shutter, allows for close up candid shots. The main reason why I shoot so much with it. AF is also a little faster.

  4. Hendrik

    This must bei the 1st non-x100s post in a long time. I grab the opportunity to wonder aloud: What is the advantage (technical, psychological, anything) of a fixed-lens x100s over a x-e1 with the 35 mm 1.4? When at any time you could change the “fake-fixed-lens” x-e1 into another fake-fixed-lens camera (by changing the lens) or running it as a multi-lens cam. What does the x100s do, that the x-e1 couldn’t do and then some? I am truly curious, own neither.

    Happy shooting

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