Canon T2i (550D) compared to Canon Eos 7D

Canon T2i (550D) compared to Canon Eos 7D

A very quick comparison between the

two cameras, just received yesterday and the T2i is tiny and very light. The same 18mp sensor (or almost) as in the 7D, but the most exciting news for me is the manual hd movie mode. This little camera is indeed a very capable hd video camera, of course it still lacks proper audio controls but in this case I won’t complain. It is fantastic to have a small camera with such a great sensor for quality video/image output. The trade off, it lacks in the handling department, too many buttons need to be pressed but it will fit in a large pocket. My new take everywhere camera. If you are thinking about getting one, check out this short video and check back in a week for updates. If you find this information helpful, please consider helping me maintaining this blog by purchasing your gear through my product links to B&H. It will cost you nothing and allows me to keep adding! Or consider making a direct donation using PayPal

Thank you.

12 thoughts on “Canon T2i (550D) compared to Canon Eos 7D

  1. Ron Powell

    Taking a still portrait say with a 50mm f1.4 or f1.8 MK11 lens will the 7d actually focus any faster than the 550d?

    Similar question but on a EF 70-200mm 4L USM?

    Please advise – many thanks – Ronnie

  2. Stephen K.

    I’ve read several comparisons of the T2i and the 7D so I’m aware of the differences. I have an XSi and what I really want to know is whether or not I would notice an improvement in image quality, sharpness, color balance etc. if I move up to the 7D. I’m well aware too that lens quality is a big part of that equation. I’m talking about the difference I would or would not notice using the same lenses on either camera. Does anyone know this? Thanks, Stephen.

  3. Bitchbag

    I guess it’s got to be the 7D then! What lenses do people recommend? I want 1 fixed and a telephoto. Will they also work fine for filming?

  4. eos7dreviews

    The Canon 7D lives up to the hype. The features are out of this world for a Canon in this range. AF is fantastic, noise is very well controlled, better than expected at the 18MP resolution. Great LCD. The camera just feels good, handles great. Even something as seemingly insignificant as the feel of the shutter release is just right. Quiet, smooth, fast, and without any shutter release vibration. Worth the money, as good as it gets in the 1.6 crop sensor arena. After increasing the sharpening in the picture styles, the results are razor sharp. Amazing camera!
    Se more reviews :

  5. canon eos 7d

    i used the “canon eos 7d”….it have better quality like..

    There is also sensor dust reduction, field of view crop factor – 1.6,
    Sensor Features are EOS integrated cleaning system and anti-dust coating
    Light Sensitivity is ISO 100-6400, ISO 12800, ISO auto (100-3200)
    Special effects include neutral, portrait, landscape, faithful and monochrome

    It has Optical image stabilizer, the maximum shutter speed is 1/8000 sec and minimum shutter speed is 30 sec, X-sync speed 1/250 sec.

    Exposure Metering is Spot (2.3%), Evaluative, Center-weighted, Partial (9.4%)

    Exposure Modes are shutter-priority, automatic, manual, aperture priority, program, E-TTL II program flash

    Exposure Range is EV 1-20 (ISO 100). Exposure Compensation is ±5 EV range, in 1/2 or 1/3 EV steps. Auto Exposure Bracketing is 3 steps in 1/2 or 1/3 EV steps

  6. Alan

    Just wanted to say thank you for bothering to make all your camera video’s available. I really enjoy them and find them very useful. I think I’ve made up my mind but, if you should feel the need to shoot a comparison between the Olympus Pen and the Canon 550D I for one would be more than happy to watch.

  7. Pingback: Search Canon T2i | Tech News

  8. Stefan

    Thank you very much for this comparison. Have learned a lot and I am happy that I have already decided to buy the 7D!

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