Street shot of the day: the story of my life

Street shot of the day: the story of my life

shot with the Panasonic GH4 and the 14mm 2.5, again. AF performance is beyond anything I have used lately, very impressive.
get yours from Adorama here
and BH here
or from Ebay here

7 thoughts on “Street shot of the day: the story of my life

  1. mike.kobal Post author

    Yes, I am only shooting jpegs for now, adjusted curves, straight conversion, the light was nice, reflected off a building across the street. Totally agree, built like a tank, the 4k footage is very impressive, same goes for the 200mbps HD options, really nice tool. I agree, Sony’s focus peaking better, other then that, not much to complain about

  2. Chris K.

    The woman’s face is unreal in the way it’s lit…Was this a simple B+W conversion (with some curves) or did you employ some other effects?

    I love my GH4 both for stills and videos. Thing’s built like a tank. Took 40m of C4K footage on Sunday like a champ. Will be using it for a short film subject. Only beef, so far–focus-peaking seems too subdued (compared to my Sony cams.)

  3. Joel

    Such an effective accident to have the hand covering the face except for the eye. It adds a little mystery. Nice one.

  4. John

    Excellent news, I can’t wait, I can’t wait to hear more about the GH4 and how it stacks up focus wise versus the other mirrorless guys. Best wishes! – John

  5. mike.kobal Post author

    Thanks John! I haven’t used it at night yet, in daylight af-c is very good, overall, af is VERY fast, even with the 14 140mm f 4-5.8 lens, noticeably faster then the Fuji X100s and X E2 with the fastest (af speed) lenses. The fastest mirrorless camera I have used to date. I haven’t tried focus tracking yet, I hope I get to it soon. My guess, the next generation mirrors will surpass pro DSLR’s in af performance.

  6. John

    Nice picture! How’s the focus tracking on that thing? I keep waiting for mirrorless to do better in that area, also I heard that the gh4 can focus quickly in low light – what do you think? Thanks -John

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