
Sony R10 II: Strobists De-Light?

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last light on Houston street (mask by Juliana Lazzaro), shot with the Sony RX10II at ISO 64, f9 1/40 with the Godox Witstro AR400 in manual mode

Most reviews focus on the 4k and slow motion capacity of this camera, very impressive stuff, indeed, however, to some photographers, the ability to sync strobes up to 1/1000 might be more valuable

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Model of the day: Yanina: Full Impact: When corner sharpness does matter


Shot with the Sony A7r, the classic Voigtlander Skopar 25mm f4 (I had the Zeiss FE 16 35mm in the back but it never made it onto the camera).
Currently obsessed with a Wegee type of approach,
love the low shutter speed/flash combination.

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