
Soma magazine: first editorial: shooting for print with the Sony A7/r: field report, part two.

click on the image for larger size, use the back button to return to this article.

If you haven’t seen part one, click here to find out about camera set up and the video shoot.

how does the Sony A7 perform when shooting a fast paced editorial?
find out after the break

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Soma magazine, spring denim shoot with the Sony A7/A7r and the Zeiss FE 55mm, field report: part one, video.

on the fence, starring zo & li from Mike Kobal on Vimeo.

shot with the Sony A7r and A7, the Sony FE 28-70mm and the Zeiss FE 55mm 1.8.
if you like what you hear: feverkin/of-the-wrist
working impressions after the break

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A girl and her hat: Maria S.

A quick shoot with Maria and the Zeiss 55mm 1.8 wide open on the Sony A7. This setup is now officially my favorite standard lens/body combo.
Af is spot on in good light, even when the model moves a lot, the keeper rate is much higher then during my Canon 5Dmk3/50mmL 1.2 and Nikon D800/50mm 1.4 days. Of course I am still using Canikons, however, nothing beats the current Zeiss 55mm for full figure and 3/4 location shots. A few more shots after the break

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