Sony RX100IV, pocket power!

Sony RX100IV, pocket power!

My friend Scyld Bowring created this animation for the Nike store, viewing it as such, you don’t get the effect it has as a window display, so we went out and shot this at twilight with the Sony RX100IV.

Shot handheld, wide open at 1080/60p and ISO 400, image stabilization worked very well, although for the close ups and tele shots, I did lean against parked cars to add stability. Amazing little camera.

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2 thoughts on “Sony RX100IV, pocket power!

  1. mike.kobal Post author

    The Ricoh Gr is better at that, the startup zoom expansion slows it down, other then that, it sure is the most versatile mini cam delivering seriously good image quality.

  2. Laurence Zankowski


    The question would be is this:

    Would you keep this camera on you at all times? Can it pop off spur of the moment street shots? Or is it a bit of lag time before its ready so precompose in head and hope for the hit?

    Be well


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