NYC Sounds:LIVE underground:Canon 7D,1080/24p from Mike Kobal on Vimeo.
Finally got around doing my first subway music sampler video, great talent out there and this is the first of a series. It was a challenge not to get run over, esp during rush hour, poor lighting conditions really called for the Canon 5D mark II but I was set on shooting it in 24p. The 7D holds up very well, most clips ISO1600, 3200, contrast enhancement and b/w conversion in post. Steep curves applied to some clips bring out the noise, no noise reduction applied here since I really like the grainy look for this subject matter. Keeping it raw and real. Shot hand held, mostly, 17-55mm, 12-24mm, 11-16mm, wide open. Sound recorded with Sennheiser MKE 400.I am still waiting to get info for the two first gentlemen who can be found at the 72nd street station and the subway passage from 6th to 7th ave. For now check out the
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