Fuji X-E1, Nikon 50mm f1.8 G, s 1/125, f1.8, ISO 1600
Carlos, a very interesting character, 75% Aztec
The best camera is the one that’s with you. Shot with the Fuji X-E1 and the Nikon 50mm f1.8 G wide open, in available light. I love shooting with this lens, it acts like a 75mm on the X-E1 and is very sharp and light. Perfect balance, photos of the camera with the lens attached after the break
Until the Fujinon 56mm 1.4 becomes available, the Nikon will do!
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Thanks mike! I just might pick one up!
Hey Bryan, this is the one I am using.
Hey! I just purchased an X-E1 and I have a lot of Nikon lenses that I’ve been using on my D90 and D7000. What kind of adapter did you purchase? The adapters I’m finding don’t have the aperture ring on them. Was hoping you could link me to where you got yours. Thanks!
love, it no problems with it, esp a lens like the 50mm, snaps right into focus, mf isn’t so good for moving subjects because of the slow EVF refresh rate
Mike, how do you find manual focussing on X-E1 with non-fuji lenses? I was thinking of getting some m mount lens on x-e1. thanks
shot raw, converted to dng then converted to b/w then split toned, very simple
can you discuss how you post processed this? i particularly like the color tone and that dark moody feeling you created. thanks.
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anytime. scoll down to the field report or click here, there is a link to the adapter right below the opener
Thank you for the reply. I appreciate it very much.
I just got an X-PRO1 and I plan to add a D800 to my kit (someday). So I could buy some of the Nikon glass i’m interested in and enjoy it on the XP1 body.
May I ask which converter you’re using?
nope. the beauty of Nikon lenses. The adapter permits to change the aperture by turning the silver ring, the one I am using (there are adapters with black rings) and this changes the aperture, from wide open to the smallest possible setting, i. e. 1.4 to 22, you don’t have clicks and there is no way to know exactly if you are at 4.5 or 6.3 or 8 but that doesn’t really matter. You can use any Nikon G lens like a lens with an aperture ring, no hassle.
So you set the aperture while the 50G is connected to the Nikon body and then you mount the 50G to the XE1 to use that aperture?
That’s how it’s done with recent Canon lens. I think it’s the same with Nikon lenses too. Right?
Yes! Thanks Steve, corrected
“acts like a 75mm on a full frame” you mean APS frame right???