Dance sampler NYC:Millie Novak:Sony A6300 vs A7rII

Dance sampler NYC:Millie Novak:Sony A6300 vs A7rII

The Sony A6300 got here while we were in the middle of this project

Project gear list:
1 Nebula 4000
1 Cametv7800
2 Sony A7rII
1 Rokinon 12mm f2
1 Zeiss Batis 25mm
1 Zeiss Loxia 21mm
1 Zeiss FE 24-70mm f4 OSS
1 Sony 10-18mm f4 OSS
1 Sony 18-200mm f3.5-6.3 OSS

as soon as the A6300 arrived we shot a quick test and replaced the A7rII on the Nebula with the A6300.
To capture the fluidity of movement we decided to shoot the whole project at 1080/60p instead of 4k, a good choice since the rolling shutter on the A6300 would have rendered some takes unusable. Even in 1080p, I wasn’t able to get acceptable results until I paired it with the Sony 10-18mm f4 OSS. Shooting wide to get that city feel, this was the perfect combination. OSS helped a lot. Footage from the Rokinon wasn’t so hot. Due to the fast turn around time required, we shot everything with basic picture profiles and graded in AE for the version above.
Af performance: As with the A7rII, face detection doesn’t work very well with ultra wide shots, the A6300 can get easily confused when one has flying hair and lots of movement, that also holds true for stills and for eye autofocus, it can only handle the most basic head shots, as soon as one has bangs or hair in the face or strong eye make up, the A7rII as well as the A6300 are lost & confused.

Lens choices:
Shooting video on the A6300, you will get the best results with OSS lenses. Manual focus, unstabilized lenses work much better on the A7rII. In general, the footage from the A7rII is smoother, has slightly better highlight rolloff and a slightly flatter curve (barely noticeable). I haven’t done a 120fps comparison yet, looks very good though, might be slightly better then on the A7rII.

My overall impression since I received the A6300, a wonderful little tool for stills and video, as long as you keep its limitations in mind.
Can you guess which clips came from the A6300 and which from the A7rII? :)

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